1969 Chevy Camaro Pro Max Ultra Glide w/TB  . .  Stage- 4
Vehicle Information
Vehicle: 1969 Chevy Camaro
Vehicle Weight: 2650 lbs
Transmission: Pro Max Ultra Glide w/TB . . Stage- 4
Transmission Specs:

Pro Max Ultra Glide Stage-4
Transmission in service since 1997
Uses a 10" Extreme Duty Converter

Engine Specs:

Blown Small Block

Driver Information
Name: Mark Mahood
Hometown: Stanton California
Years of Racing: 20
Best ET: 7.45
Best MPH: 188
Racing Accolades:

...(6) Time A/Gas Goodguys Champion & (2) time Runner-up out of (8) years.
To view more photos (slide show), please use this link: http://www.mahoodscollision.com/RaceImages/index.htm 

When Mark runs in these events, he usually finds himself as having the "Only Automatic" in the entire field.  All the other competitors are using one form of "stick" type transmission or another.  In spite of this Mark has dominated this class for years and until the others figure it out he will continue to do so.



Current Plans: To continue running the A/Gas Goodguys Champion series during 2005