1965 Chevy Chevy II Nova Pro Competition GM Turbo 400 w/TB - Stage 1
Vehicle Information
Vehicle: 1965 Chevy Chevy II Nova
Vehicle Weight: 2750 lbs
Transmission: Pro Competition GM Turbo 400 w/TB - Stage 1
Transmission Specs:

Pro Competition TH400 Stage-1 w/Trans-brake and 8" Full Race Converter

Transmission in service since 4/09

Engine Specs:

358 cu. in. Small Blk. w/675 hp 

Driver Information
Name: Paul Melhado
Age: 49
Hometown: Blue Point NY
Years of Racing: 4
Best ET: 9.92
Best MPH: 139.48
Racing Accolades:


Current Plans:

Keep the car into the 9's and be more consistent.  Retire from work and go racing!