1988 Ford Thunderbird Pro Max Ultra Glide w/TB  . .  Stage- 4
Vehicle Information
Vehicle: 1988 Ford Thunderbird
Vehicle Weight: 3200 lbs
Transmission: Pro Max Ultra Glide w/TB . . Stage- 4
Transmission Specs:

Pro Max UltraGlide Stage-4 w/Variable Stall Control
10" Extreme Duty Torque Converter
Trans & Converter in service since 2004 

Engine Specs:

  632 Mussi Big Block Chevy. Big Chief Motor with Pontiac EPD heads Donavan Alum. Block Sheet Metal Intake with 2 Carburators. Little Ricky Carlos Orlando Motor.

Driver Information
Name: Nicky D'Angelo
Age: 35
Hometown: Orange County NY
Years of Racing: 15
Best ET: 7.90
Best MPH: 170
Racing Accolades:

2004 Ran Quick 8 for the first time. New to Heads-up Racing.  Ran Top St. at Englishtown, NJ 2002 and 2003.  170 no Nitrous


Current Plans: At years end I want to sell the car and upgrade to a better chassis and run nitrous.